We have 10 different patterns for the Ricky "Fang" TRC. They vary in size, screw holes,
& shape. We have listed the ones we can positively identify below. If you don't see what
you need, send in a precise tracing & we will try to match it. Rickenbacker is a registered
US Trademark; you can contact the company for help getting a TRC with the logo; ours do not
have the Rick logo printed.
PG 12204: RICKY 4001 V63 TRC
extra long part with sharp point, 6-5/8" long, 3 screws, No Logo
OEM Material: Color 35 White Plexiglass: $18.00
PG 12206:RICKY 4001 TRC
Original was molded part with raised letters, rounded point, 5-15/16" long,3 screws, No Logo
OEM Material: Color 35 White Plexiglass: $18.00
PG 12210: RICKY 660-12 TRC
note curved top edge, 5-15/6" long, 3 screws, fits most Ricky 12-strings, No Logo
OEM Material: Color 35 White Plexiglass: $18.00
PG 12208: RICKY 4001 TRC
sharp point, 6-5/8" long, 3 screws, No Logo
OEM Material: Color 35 White Plexiglass: $18.00