ICEMAN & Paul Stanley "PS" MODELS


PG 106: Ibanez PS 10 ICEMAN

2 screw holes, gap between humbucker rings measures 2-3/16"

PG 1072: Ibanez 1980s PS 10 Bridge Plate

3 screws, measures 2-1/8" across top line, overall length is 3-1/2"

PG 10602: Ibanez 1994 IC 500

2 screws, gap between humbucker rings is 2-1/4"

PG 107: Ibanez Iceman Truss Rod Cover

3 screws, straight line by nut measures 1-5/8"


PG 10704: Ibanez Iceman Truss Rod Cover

3 screws, straight line by nut measures 1-5/16"


These guitars typically came with pickguards featuring multi-ply

binding along the edge; we do not make these bound pickguards; ours

are beveled edge.

PG 32570: Ibanez  GB-10

cut for 2 mini humbuckers, 4 screws, gap between pickups measures 3-1/8"


PG 32572: Ibanez  GB-10
Just like PG 32570 above but gap between pickups measures 3-3/16"

PG 32574: Ibanez  GB-20
1 mini humbucker, larger sized guard, pu cut is 13/32" from tip of guard. Ours was made from a damaged original & does not have the center screw hole for the bracket or the volume knob hole.  Sorry, but you will need to drill these yourself until we can get another one.

8 screws,SSS pu, 1 knob & switch
OEM Material: color 117 aged white pearl lam: $77.00

Here are some of the other Ibanez Guitar Pickguards. One of the most popular is the Blazer/Roadstar family. We have so many variations of these that we have never listed all of them, but there are over 3 dozen of the Roadstars alone! On these, we need a tracing or your original; we have been making them since 1981 & are still adding new Roadstar & Blazer patterns all the time. You can send a photo of your guitar to Adrian Chandler; she is our Roastar expert & can often tell from just  a picture.