PG 23: Gibson Les Paul Backplate Set 
- 2 pc. set 
OEM Material: color 56 single ply brown: $30.00

PG 75: Original  Les Paul Junior Backplate 
PG 7324: Gibson 1954 Les Paul Junior Backplate 
2 screw holes
OEM Material: color 70 .090 black: $30.00

PG 78: Les Paul Special "Faded" Backplate 
4 screws
OEM Material: color 70 .090 black: $30.00

PG 30: Gibson Vintage Les Paul Truss Rod Cover 
Ours is "stepped" on the edge, not bevelled, so it is just like the old ones, 2 screw holes
OEM Material: color 154 black/parchment: $25.00

PG 52: Gibson Vintage Les Paul Jackplate 
4 screw holes & hole for jack
OEM Material: color 146 .060 BWB: $25.00

PG 2304: Gibson 1978 The Paul & 1983 Invader Backplate 
6 screw holes
OEM Material: Color 70 single ply black .090': $25.00